Download Transformers The Game Full version Rip Pc Game - Appointed from the movie that was released in 2007, Transformers: The Game gives gamers the opportunity to choose to be Autobots or Decepticons and experience, controlling a robot with unlimited power and large scale to protect or destroy Earth . Players must master the unique weapons, movement and instant transformation on each character. Instant transformation is a change in shape without power between the vehicle or robot mode.  

Download Transformers The Game Full version Rip Pc Game. This game is truly unique features such as instant Changed, from hefty robot into a vehicle full of energy like a sports car, fighter jet or helicopter, but are free to choose - rowing unexpected robot that allows the player to choose the form of the greatest, unique capabilities and high strength. As the TRANSFORMERS universe there is a choice to be OPTIMUS PRIME, Megatron, Ironhide, Starscream, BUMBLEBEE and more. 
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