Download Final Fantasy X PS2 ISO High Compressed
Final Fantasy X PS2

The first Final Fantasy game for the PlayStation 2 brought a new cinematic quality to the series with voice acting and fully 3D environments. The story follows Tidus, a young man transported one thousand years into the future to find a world quite unlike his own.

Enter a fantasy world where humans are on the brink of extinction. In this all-new Final Fantasy RPG, you must stop a powerful force called "Sin" that destroys cities and lives. Along your journey, you will meet Tidus--a star blitzball" player--and Yuna--a young woman with who is skilled in summoning and controlling aeons - powerful spirits of yore.

Final Fantasy X is the first Final Fantasy game to feature voiceovers with advanced facial expressions. Travel to uncharted seas and treacherous lands in a quest to save mankind.

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